Angel Outdoors’ Goal:
Our goal is to give you the outdoor products you need to survive, and thrive, in the most extreme outdoor climates and conditions.
Every outdoor gear product that is listed on Angel is in the top 3 most popular and useful items you could buy for sports activities such as backpacking, hiking, camping, running and outdoor survival.
Our goal is to give outdoor enthusiasts, just like you, the opportunity to discover top 3 products that are the safest, most durable, and longest-lasting outdoor equipment.
Our team tests every outdoor product in-person (in the USA and internationally) in weathered climates ranging from the following:
Portland, Oregon,
Vail, Colorado,
Texarkana, Texas,
Ithaca, New York,
Freeport, Maine
Outer Banks, North Carolina,
to Machu Picchu, Peru and Serengeti in Tanzania.
Our Mission
For every product sold, Angel Outdoors donates one product to those in need.
We are partnering up with and the American Red Cross to donate to those in need from those living in extreme conditions abroad to emergency, life or death situations.
Organizations that Angel Outdoors loves to support... supports supports the american red cross.
Angel Outdoors Reviews
Best outdoor products to buy...
“I searched everywhere online for the best outdoor products, and luckily came across Angel Outdoors... where I found the top-rated equipment and outdoor sporting gear for my family.”
— Rory A.
Simple, easy-to-use.
“All of Angel Outdoors' outdoor gear is simple and easy to use. I bought their water backpack, and found simple instructions and an easy to use backpack that has no doubt extended my outdoor camping trips by days.”
— Lee V.
There's no comparison.
“The Angel Outdoors site has everything for my hiking, camping, and back packing needs. 100%, 5-Stars all the way for your team.”
— Jessica T.